Here is our fun-packed schedule for the week!

Leaders: Will Neville, Abby Halm, Drew Smith, Regina Gianfreda, Stephanie Michon
Monday: Ultimate Frisbee/ Flying Saucers
Tuesday: Archery, Robot Making
Wednesday: Trivia at the boathouse, Capture the flag
Thursday: 4th of July Parade!
Friday: Making our own solar system and a trip to the boathouse
This week be prepared to be taken through a time vortex of fun. We will be travelling through time and having a blast. We will be traveling through time and having a blast. We will be visiting the middle ages by doing archery and transforming ourselves into robots. We also will be going to the boathouse to experience the wonderful silver bay waterfront!

Leaders: Greg Jones, Kaylin Bujarsky, Amber Perkins, Heather Clark , Cassie Warner
Monday: Giants, Wizards, Elves and making Space Goo
Tuesday: Into the Future craft and labyrinth walk
Wednesday: Square Dancing and Pudding wars
Thursday: 4th of July Parade!
Friday: Clean the Castle and Beach Day! **please bring a towel and bathing suit with you to camp**
This week for Time Travel week we will be making space goo and launching into the future with different games and crafts. And be ready to dance as we get our bodies mobbing with some square dancing!

Leaders: Clemency Neville, Matt Miller, Laura Russett, Tia Bucher, Josh Garren, Vanessa Valley
Monday:  Space Bubbles, Alien Hats and making UFOs
Tuesday: Footprints on the moon, relay race, giant parachute and camouflage
Wednesday: Musical instrument making and robot snack activity
Thursday: Crafts/fitness program and beach day!! **please bring a towel and bathing suit to camp**
Friday: Robot Relay and soccer
Jump forward hundereds of years with us this week during time travel week! Turn a counselor into a robot, create your own UFO and explore space and the moon. And don?t forget our beach day on Thursday!

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    Welcome to the Tent!! We are Amy and Chris and we're so excited to have you at camp this summer!!


    July 2013
    June 2013

